Human Factors in Aviation Maintenance

Human Factors in Aviation Maintenance

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  • Intermediate Level

  • 17 Microlearning Sessions

  • 187 min. of Experiential Content

  • 128 Learning Actions

  • Group Discussions & Sharing

  • Offline Access

  • Lifetime Access via Mobile and Web

  • Digital Certificate shareable on LinkedIn


Session Overview

  1. Before We Begin

  2. Introduction to Human Factors

  3. Human Factors and Aviation Incidents

  4. Human Performance & Limitations - I

  5. Human Performance & Limitations - II

  1. Social Psychology - I
  2. Social Psychology - II
  3. Factors Affecting Performance - I
  4. Factors Affecting Performance - II
  5. Physical Environment - I
  6. Physical Environment - II
  7. Tasks
  8. Communication
  9. Human Error - I
  10. Human Error - II
  11. Hazards in the Workplace - I
  12. Hazards in the Workplace - Part II

SAR Part 66 Module 09 Human Factors Refresher Course, aims to refresh the understanding of how to optimize the relationship between maintenance personnel and systems with a view to improving safety, efficiency and well-being in the aviation industry.

What is this 'Microlearning Course' about?

This course aims to refresh the understanding of how to optimize the relationship between maintenance personnel and systems with a view to improving safety, efficiency and well-being in aviation industry.

Who is this course designed for?

Aviation maintenance personnel who intend to sit for CAAS M09 examination and supervisors, senior executives and managerial personnel from civil aviation administrations, air navigation service providers, airport authorities, airlines and MROs who are responsible for quality and safety.

What will you take away?

At the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Understand factors that contribute to human error and non-compliance with rules and procedures.

  • Apply human factor principles and concepts to manage errors and violations on an individual, organisational and systemic level.

Learner Reviews

"Good planning of the course. Material broken down into appropriate segment. Makes it convenient for adult learners . Allows us to learn segment at a time and return back to continue without too much inconvenience. Mix of video , audio and readings makes for varieties of learning methods. Overall very good experience. More quizzes will be good to reinforce knowledge learned."
- Seng Kok Choo
"It was very useful as I get to learn topics which are only conducted after you have register with a organisation. Now everyone can learn. It was easy to grab. Multiple tries were allowed. I enjoyed it so much."
- Noradli Norhisham
"This program is very useful as it can be use both on mobile phone and computer/laptop. It's very easy to learn because they simplify the topics and not make it wordy. I enjoy learning on Gnowbe as it's very simple and straightforward. Besides that, the videos that the topic covers is interesting."
- Md Shukry Zainudin
Accredited by Temasek Polytechnic

Beyond their core business of conducting full-time courses for students, Temasek Polytechnic is also committed to the practical re-skilling and professional development of adult learners. They believe in helping individuals and organisations equip themselves with the necessary skills to meet the challenges of a dynamic economy.

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