Oral Presentation & Meeting Suite Courses

Oral Presentation & Meeting Suite Courses

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A Gallup poll found that 40% of the population have a fear of speaking in public. However, being able to present well in the workplace - be it during a presentation, a meeting or a discussion with colleagues is critical. You gain added advantages such as superior's trust and confidence when you are able to deliver a well-constructed and confident presentation over someone who is less polished in public speaking. Learn how you can plan and deliver presentations for success, starting from US$8.33/month and get access to the GnowbeLearn General Library.

This Course Is Part of the GnowbeLearn™ General Subscription!

Starting at $8.33/month (billed annually)
Monthly plan available at $9.99/month

Learners who complete all three courses will be eligible to apply for admission for the part-time Diploma in Business Practice (Business Administration) program in Temasek Polytechnic.

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