What's PDPA?

What's PDPA?

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Most of our everyday transactions takes place online or via contactless methods. This means that millions of personal identifiable information is being shared and stored by various institutions - from banks, hospitals to telco providers. Despite the heavy responsibility, not all institutions took sufficient safeguards with regards to data protection, which led to rise in data breaches in Singapore. In this microlearning course, you will learn the A to Zs of the newly introduced Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) by the Singapore Government so that you can educate your organization on how personal data can be better protected and reduce reputational risk.

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This Course Is Part of the GnowbeLearn™ General Subscription!

Starting at $8.33/month (billed annually)
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  • 8 Microlearning Sessions

  • 89 min. of Experiential Content

  • 61 Learning Actions

  • Offline Access

  • Lifetime Access via Mobile and Web

  • Digital Certificate shareable on LinkedIn


Session Overview

  1. What is Personal Data?

  2. Implications of Data Breach

  3. Introducing PDPA

  4. Introducing the 9 Obligations

  5. Applying the Obligations - Part 1

  1. Applying the Obligations - Part 2
  2. Role of the Data Protection Officer
  3. Assessment

What is this 'Microlearning Course' about?

In the course of your work, you may have been entrusted to handle the personal data of customers, staff members, vendors and other stakeholders. There is a Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) which governs the collection, use and disclosure of personal data. There are serious consequences for data breaches, apart from the loss of reputation and trust which we could suffer. Learn what each of us can do to ensure that personal data which is entrusted to us is not compromised.

Who is this course designed for?

This program is for anyone in Singapore looking to collect or store data and would like to learn about proper data collection and use.

What will learners take away?

By the end of the program, learners will be able to:

  1. Understand what constitutes personal data

  2. Know the implications when personal data leaks

  3. Understand what is Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA)

  4. Learn the nine obligations to prevent breach of personal data

Accredited by SEED Institute

SEED Institute aims to strengthen and raise the quality of early education and related sectors such as community and social services in Singapore and internationally by supporting and empowering professionals who work in these settings. Through our practice-oriented training courses and learning support, we equip early childhood and related professionals with the knowledge, skills and competencies to nurture young children in their academic, emotional and social development. Recognising that parents play a pivotal role in their children’s education, we also offer courses to support parents in enriching their children’s learning.

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