What's Your Gray Rhino? A Framework for Wrangling Your Biggest Challenges [Personal Version]
What's Your Gray Rhino? A Framework for Wrangling Your Biggest Challenges [Personal Version]
Imagine a giant, gray rhino about to charge right at you. Now picture a major life challenge you know you need to deal with --perhaps in your career, relationships, finances, health, community, or the world. That is your gray rhino. What are you going to do about it? This course helps you to recognize the obstacles to dealing with known challenges and develop and execute strategies to overcome them.
Beginner Level
10 Microlearning Sessions
130 min. of Experiential Content
36 Learning Actions
Group Discussions & Sharing
Offline Access
Lifetime Access via Mobile and Web
Digital Certificate shareable on LinkedIn
What is this ‘Microlearning Course’ about?
Imagine a giant, gray rhino about to charge right at you. Now picture a major life challenge you know you need to deal with --perhaps in your career, relationships, finances, health, community, or the world. That is your gray rhino. What are you going to do about it? This course helps you to recognize the obstacles to dealing with known challenges and develop and execute strategies to overcome them.
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
Identify and combat cognitive biases that get in the way of dealing with known challenges;
Improve your decision-making skills;
Develop a concrete, actionable plan for prioritizing and managing the risks you face;
Shift your mindset from Can't to Can;
Turn adversity into an asset
Who is this course designed for?
Chief risk officers looking to engage the rest of the company in risk awareness; Managers seeking to improve their own leadership and decision-making skills; Managers seeking to support team members in improving skills and reaching objectives; Employees who are trying to overcome challenges or advance their careers; Students who want to make good decisions and act on them
Session Overview
Why We Often Fail to Manage Obvious Dangers
What's Your Gray Rhino?
The Five Stages of a Gray Rhino
Creating Your Safari Map 1: Denial
Your Safari Map 2: Muddling
Your Safari Map 3: Diagnosing
Your Safari Map 4: Panic
Your Safari Map 5: Action
For Further Exploration