Why Do Asians Avoid Conflict?
Why Do Asians Avoid Conflict?
Beginner Level
11 Microlearning Sessions
84 min. of Experiential Content
84 Learning Actions
Group Discussions & Sharing
Offline Access
Lifetime Access via Mobile and Web
Digital Certificate shareable on LinkedIn
Conflicts are part of the normal experience of living and working with people, even those closest and dearest to us. Yet we are often perplexed at the subtlety and complexity of how conflicts are played out.
So why do Asians avoid conflict? Many Asians acknowledge that they are predisposed to conflict-aversion and capitulate to individuals with higher authority or greater power. For example, children acquiesce reluctantly to parents when they are younger, but they may turn into irrepressible monsters when they are in their teens.
In this program, we will:
Appreciate the nature of conflicts; and explore
Why Asians avoid conflict.
Curated by Dr. John Ng, his astute observations, personal experiences and careful research will provide a concise guide to cultivating your passion, excellence and resilience in life.
Having coached many individuals to their full potential, John now shares in this micro-learning series his knowledge and experience with the clear aim of unleashing your greatness through the power of self-leadership.
This course is part of a 2-course bundle claimable with Skillsfuture Credits: