HR Technology

HR Technology

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  • Basic Level

  • 10 Microlearning Sessions

  • 141 min. of Experiential Content

  • 78 Learning Actions

  • Group Discussions & Sharing

  • Offline Access

  • Lifetime Access via Mobile and Web

  • Digital Certificate shareable on LinkedIn

Bundle Overview

  1. Before You Begin

  2. Introduction to HR Technology

  3. Process Digitalisation

  4. Change Management for HR Tech

  5. Emerging Technologies

  6. HR Management System (HRMS)

  7. HR Service Delivery Model

  8. Quiz

  9. Conclusion

  10. Your Feedback

What is this 'Microlearning Course' about?

This program provides you with an overview of technologies and tools to improve HR efficiency and effectiveness across the various HR functions.

Who is this course designed for?

This programme is suitable for staff and management of industry players who have an oversight and responsibility for the successful deployment of human and other requisite resources, and working adults in any industry who wish to acquire or deepen their HR knowledge and skills in HR technologies.

What will you take away?

You will gain exposure to some of the leading HR technologies and tools while learning from examples of successful implementation of HR technologies at the workplace. You will also learn and discuss important principles associated to technology adaptation, including data security and privacy, project management and change management.

Singapore Polytechnic - School of Business

The SP School of Business has the privilege of being part of the first polytechnic in Singapore.

Over the years, the number of diplomas offered by School of Business has grown considerably, giving school leavers a wide choice of courses that meet their interest and passion.The School has forged important links with academic institutions as well as industry players, both locally and abroad.

The academic staff of School of Business are a group of dynamic and student-oriented people, with rich experience gleaned from their years in industry prior to their joining the School. Our lecturers are not just facilitators of education; they are friends and mentors to their students. Our teaching facilities are regularly upgraded to provide a conducive learning environment and to keep up with changes in technology as well as the evolving needs of industry.

The Diploma in Human Resource Management with Psychology (DHRMP) covers areas of human resource management and psychology to enhance the effectiveness of future human resource practitioners. It is a unique course that combines practical and applied areas of human resource (HR) management with psychology to develop you into a successful HR professional.

At School of Business, we believe in providing you with quality education, characterized by broad-based learning complemented with specialized training. With an emphasis on core business and life skills, you will be well equipped to meet the demands of an ever-expanding global economy!

People Analytics

People Analytics
