Procurement and Integrated Supply Chains (SCM-3)

Procurement and Integrated Supply Chains (SCM-3)

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  • Beginner Level

  • Group Discussions & Sharing

  • Offline Access

  • Lifetime Access via Mobile and Web

  • Digital Certificate shareable on LinkedIn


What is this Microlearning course about?

This course aims to provide participants with the understanding of contemporary procurement as a strategic activity within a business or organisation with the potential to improve profit and in terms of the sustainable issues related to sourcing and procuring goods and services for many organisations. Participants will also appreciate how the separate activities within supply chains can be integrated.

Who is this course designed for?

Individuals who wish to learn or improve their knowledge on supply chain management.

What will learners take away?

At the end of the course, you will be able:

  1. Appreciate procurement’s potential to improve business and organisational performance.

  2. Understand how risk and value may affect sourcing and procurement strategy and tactics in relations to markets.

  3. Understand the different dynamics of public and private sector procurement and how this affects procurement procedures and decision making.

  4. Identify the distinct stages of sourcing, selecting, procuring and managing contracts.

  5. Understand how consumer demand and expectations drive governance and accountability in sourcing and procurement.

  6. Appreciate the pivotal role that procurement plays in relation to wider supply chain issues.

  7. Appreciate the problems of considering logistics functions in isolation.

  8. Discuss the benefits of creating a single, integrated logistics function.

  9. Outline the steps needed for internal integration.

  10. Discuss the benefits of external integration along supply chains.

  11. Review the difficulties of achieving this external integration.

  12. Describe different types of external integration.


Accredited by Temasek Polytechnic

Beyond their core business of conducting full-time courses for students, Temasek Polytechnic is also committed to the practical re-skilling and professional development of adult learners. They believe in helping individuals and organisations equip themselves with the necessary skills to meet the challenges of a dynamic economy.

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