Human Nature and our Innate Desire to Learn
What can we definitively say about human nature or the characteristics that humans share? French philosopher Sartre believed that humans were fundamentally free, while German philosopher Marx believed that humans were about economics. The philosophies of existentialism and communism, which these men produced have had a profound impact on how we understand ourselves, our realities and societies. In a way, what we believe to be basic to being human tends to color our concept of reality. That is why the French philosopher Foucault refrained from making postulations about the nature of man. He viewed it as dangerous.
On the other hand, problems arise when we do not understand our own being. Technology is meant to help us and improve our lives; yet, it seems like the more technology we have, the busier we become. We have begun to fear the prospects of AI, and its potential to take away our jobs. Technology, which has expanded the scope of man’s creative genius, is now in the process of enslaving us. We can get caught up in the increasing pace of life, and have little understanding of ourselves in relation to the world.
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This process should not be a strictly theoretical one. As we have learned from the other thinkers, how we view ourselves can have very practical consequences. Our thought process isn’t just about philosophers and academics; it’s about all of us. If we think that to be human is jealousy, evil, or corruption, then we are more likely to subject ourselves to this nature and truly become just that. We are what we think we are.
An interesting point is our relation to truth. It is easy to say things like “no one likes to hear the truth” or “humans are lazy”, but the only simple and whole truth is that the truth is rarely simple and never whole. Truth is a form of uncovering. It is a lens of focus, and by focusing on one truth you necessarily obscure others. As a species, we value truth, building on science and math, and orientating our daily lives towards what we believe to be true.
The desire to learn is part of being human. Statements about human nature are reflexive and interpreting which means that the answers affect the process of questioning and the questioners themselves. Humans have a basic desire to learn, but over time much of that desire has been stifled and warped by social emphasis, laws and policies, and formal education.
As humans, we should believe in our innate desire to learn. These beliefs about what it means to be human and the quest to understand our place in relation to our environment will shape our reality itself. Hopefully, if we choose to believe that we desire to learn, then we will become just that.
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