Career Resilience: 5 Ways to Stay Strong in Your Career
Career Resilience: 5 Ways to Stay Strong in Your Career
Your career will span 30 to 40 years, and you will encounter ups and downs, twists and turns along the way. It is therefore a marathon, not a sprint, and we need to keep ourselves in good shape for the long haul. Career resilience is something that we can learn and practice. This is the fifth program in the 5-program Career Development & Management suite.
Get started with your 14-day free trial or for as low as US$8.33/month (SkillsFuture Credits Eligible)*
*For subscribers using their SkillsFuture credits, the subscription starts as low as US$8.33 per month, billed annually. If you do not have SkillsFuture credit, you can start your 14-day free trial via credit/debit card. Monthly plans available.
Beginner Level
22 minutes
Group Discussions & Sharing
Offline Access
Lifetime Access via Mobile and Web
Digital Certificate shareable on LinkedIn
We are your career catalysts who will walk you through this content so you can reach your career goals faster, easier and better!
Here's a quick intro about us:
My Working Title is a career design company and movement that inspires + empowers people to actively design their careers. Since our launch in September 2017, we've reached 12,000 people (as of December 2021) from 25 countries in their career development.
Our clients include LinkedIn, Unilever, Grab, Shopee, NUS Business School, GIC, Aviva, and Workforce Singapore Group. You can connect with us at and
What is this 'Microlearning Course' about?
Your career will span 30 to 40 years, and you will encounter ups and downs, twists and turns along the way. It is therefore a marathon, not a sprint, and we need to keep ourselves in good shape for the long haul. Career resilience is something that we can learn and practice. This is the fifth program in the 5-program Career Development & Management suite.
Who is this microlearning course designed for?
Anybody looking for search for a job, going for interviews, discovery of self/personal branding for careers, looking to manage and design a career for employment and employability.
What will you take away?
In this course, you will get to
• Learn how you can bounce back from career setbacks and grow resilience, through research-backed tips
• Understand what goes on inside you when you are going through career changes, and how to process your thoughts for growth
• Develop strong foundations for the rest of your career-life