Design Thinking Intro: Essential Skills for Creativity and Business Growth

Design Thinking Intro: Essential Skills for Creativity and Business Growth


Learn what people really want so you can design breakthrough products, services, and experiences!

Get started with your 14-day free trial or for as low as US$8.33/month (SkillsFuture Credits Eligible)*

*For subscribers using their SkillsFuture credits, the subscription starts as low as US$8.33 per month, billed annually. If you do not have SkillsFuture credit, you can start your 14-day free trial via credit/debit card. Monthly plans available.

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Starting at $8.33/month (billed annually)
Monthly plan available at $9.99/month
SkillsFuture Credit Option available at express checkout!


  • 11 Microlearning Sessions

  • 497 min. of Experiential Content

  • 88 Learning Actions

  • Group Discussions & Sharing

  • Offline Access

  • Lifetime Access via Mobile and Web

  • Digital Certificate shareable on LinkedIn

About the Curator:

Awarded as one of Asia's Top-10 Women in IT, Dr. Meadows leads an Innovation & Entrepreneurship Center at S P Jain School of Global Management — a Forbes Top-20 International Business School -- creating growth initiatives at the intersection of IT, business strategy, and design.

She has designed and delivered executive education independently and with leading business schools like INSEAD, AIM, NUS, and SMU. Her research, teaching, consulting, and coaching span Design Thinking, Leadership, Creativity, Entrepreneurship, Sustainability, and the Future of Work (FoW) and Education (FoE).

She co-founded and chairs a corporation working for tiger conservation, ecologically- and socially-sensitive economic growth (sustainability), and people programs. Holding a Doctorate in Business Administration & IT from Harvard Business School, Dr. Meadows has over 20 years’ experience in Asia, Europe, and North America as a consultant, coach, entrepreneur, eBusiness builder, innovation lab co-founder, and Accenture IT & Business Strategy consultant.  


What is this 'Microlearning Course' about?

Design Thinking (DT) is a highly value-creating approach to innovation that helps you:

  • discover what people really need and want,

  • design radically-better solutions for them, and

  • develop your offering in a cost- and risk-effective way, to maximize success.

Corporates use it, start-ups use it, governments use it, schools use it, and not-for-profits, too! Why is it so popular? Because it pushes you to ensure you’re:

  • creating something for your users (not just yourself),

  • breaking through today’s thinking with fresh new ideas, and

  • developing your new product, service, customer/employee experience (or whatever you’re designing!) in a fast, effective way.

Who is this course designed for?

Everyone! Whether you’re leading an organization to be more customer-centric, developing products and services, designing or living an “employee experience,” or wanting a fresh perspective on your personal life, DT can help. Just make sure you’re addressing challenges that involve people and are complex enough that you need to learn more about the problem in order to define a truly-effective solution.

Even if you don’t have problems to address (yes, we know that’s unlikely), it’ll also help you build your skills in creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, insight, empathy, experimentation, and more. It’ll awaken that part of your brain that draws, designs, and dreams.

So let’s dream some practical dreams…

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