Career Transitions for Senior Management

Career Transitions for Senior Management

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  • Beginner Level

  • 6 Microlearning Sessions

  • 67 min. of Experiential Content

  • 67 Learning Actions

  • Group Discussions & Sharing

  • Offline Access

  • Lifetime Access via Mobile and Web

  • Digital Certificate shareable on LinkedIn


Session Overview:

  1. Why New North Coaching?

  2. Self-Discovery – who am I?

  3. Outside-In

  4. Current State

  5. Commitment to Action

  6. Review and Reset

Today, work-life has changed. The rapid advancement of Artificial Intelligence, speed of technological change and digitalization of almost everything, and the instantaneous sharing of information have all significantly altered the concept of work. Old ways of work have to be evaluated. Many traditional jobs will be obsolete.

In this course, you will be introduced to New North Coaching, an individualized coaching designed to help you deal with your transition from a corporate environment of “senior management/executive” to one of selecting options that will enable you to continue leading a meaningful life.

This course is part of a subscription library by our content partner, NEXLeaders.
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