Revolutionize the world and your pocket

Gnowbe Learn's Ambassador Program, known as the "A-Team," is a group of change agents working together to empower, educate and elevate a generation of learners. Members of the A-team will be rewarded for their hard work and earn a commission for converting 'beings' into learners!


Global Crisis Ahead

With the rise of automation and artificial intelligence, millions of jobs will be replaced, and we need to solve this global crisis quick! To help billions stay relevant for the future, Gnowbe Learn™ has brought education into our pockets.


Privileges for
The A-Team


Join a community of A-list Ambassadors

Get acquainted with a tight network of entrepreneurs and influencers across 25 countries


Get paid for every learner

Receive 20% revenue share for all verified payments generated with your promo code. This includes team purchases as well!

Earn attractive bonuses on top of your commission!

Sell 5 courses - earn $50 bonus
Sell 10 courses - earn $ 200 bonus


Be known as a "Pioneer"

Raise a generation of learners and be known for your global impact


  • Fill up our Gnowbe Ambassador Form below with your details. Within 3 - 5 working days, you will receive a confirmation of your Ambassador status and your very own promo code!

  • You are entitled to 20% revenue share* of all verified paid sales generated with your promo code. All revenue share payments will be made in the first week of each month from the previous month's sales.

    *During promotion periods, all Ambassadors will receive 20% of the revenue after discounted course price and not the original valued price.

  • Upon request, you will receive Gnowbe Learn's advertising banners and digital assets to complement your promotional activities. Further marketing support will not be provided.


Enter your details below to be a part of Gnowbe's A-Team.