Transforming with Change : Growing the Winners Work Attitude
Learning in the fourth industrial revolution has evolved beyond mere knowledge and access; skills alone are no longer adequate. How do we augment our skills, considering the disruption within our workplace? How can we transform ourselves to become more agile in a world that’s constantly changing? What we truly need is a growing mind-set in a Winner’s Work Attitude.
In training to be a Mobile Instructional Designer (MIDer also known as Gnowbefier) at Temasek Polytechnic (TP), I have developed and practiced a three-part Winner’s Work Attitude.
#1 : Grow Yourself
The first step to becoming a Gnowbefier is to learn the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively develop microlearning courses and market them.
I took a bold step when I became part of TP’s pioneering team that spearheaded a new initiative towards a digital workplace transformation through microlearning. It challenged me to learn and develop new skills, as well as adopt a transformational mindset. I had to overhaul obsolete thinking to disrupt traditional approaches and shift mindsets to learn and re-learn new skills. Despite the nerve-racking experience of venturing into the unknown, being able to break new ground by learning and developing the art and science of curating microlearning courses (MLCs) cleared all my doubts. Taking this risk equipped me with the relevant skills to keep pace with the ever-evolving digital climate, while taking my career to the next level. As the saying goes, “the biggest risk is not taking any risk at all”.
In the process of deepening the skills of curating inspiring microlearning courses, I developed the positive Winner’s Work Attitude to confront risks and changes in the workplace. As I began to push boundaries and overcome obstacles, my confidence on the job increased, creating feats I never thought possible. For example, in September 2019, I had the privilege of representing TP in the presentation and promotion of our MLCs in Japan at the “International Symposium on Advances in Technology Education (ISATE).” Helping pioneer the MID revolution empowered me to confidently share our organization’s experience with an international audience.
This is the positive Winner’s Work Attitude needed to bring our new skills to the next level and achieve greater success. As suggested by author Deniss Waitley, “The winner’s edge is all in the attitude, not aptitude. Attitude is the criterion for success.” Be inspired to invoke the winner within you when you learn session three of Winner’s Work Attitude micro-learning course (MLC).
#2 : Grow Others
Peter Lam, PCEO, Temasek Polytechnic (TP), Kang So-Young, Founder & CEO Gnowbe, with TP Curators
The second step to becoming a Gnowbefier is to grow others. This is achieved through the sharing of knowledge, skills and experiences with fellow TP curators. Through individual and group coaching, mentoring and training sessions, our fellow curators are equipped and empowered to curate their own MLCs. These sessions enable them to adopt an open an adaptable mindset to develop interactive and engaging MLCs essential to meet the desired learning outcomes. As we journeyed through the curation process, we shared experiences and worked through the challenges together. This process helped alter the mindsets of curators to adopt this new way of content delivery which consequently, enhanced their desire and ability to produce quality MLCs. With this positive attitude of supporting the community of curators, we achieved TP’s target to launch sixty-three MLCs within five months. This was all done in time for the debut launch of the project in 2018.
Although it was a daunting process, there was something magical about growing and helping others. I deepened my skills and confidence as an MID. Subsequently, others saw me as a role model for MLC curation. This opened up new opportunities to collaborate and co-curate MLCs with colleagues in new fields that I never thought possible. These included subjects in accounting and finance as attested to by Ms Christine Cheong, curator of MLC Finance for non-finance Managers, “Collaboration with Faridah was awesome. It made me more creative and reflective, too. It was a good experience.”
This trust among colleagues is the glue that holds work teams together as they commit to larger projects. Commitment is one of the Winner’s Work Attitudes which will help ensure the success of the next phase of TP’s MLC project. Learn how you can be committed in your work in session eleven of the MLC Winner’s Work Attitude.
#3 : Grow the Community
The third step to transform into an MID is to grow the micro-learning community. Facilitated by Gnowbe’s micro-learning platform and user-friendly curation tool, I was able to fulfill my passion to grow the community of micro-learners. This was achieved through using Gnowbe’s Learn-Think-Apply-Share MLC design approach, and tailoring it for adult learning by sharing my personal stories and life experiences.
One example of how I fostered a sense of community among micro-learners was with the Perseverance in Counselling on the Go MLC. As a curator, I shared not only of the pain of leaving my career in teaching, but also the subsequent joy of transforming into an MID at TP. By using my own life experiences, I taught and encouraged learners to share their own painful and joyful life experiences with fellow micro-learners.
This proved to be an enjoyable learning experience, as attested to by one of the learners, Mr. Aaron Thong. "I enjoyed the shared segment as we get to see other student’s views and the reflection segment because it helped us to recap what we have learned. I would also like to thank Miss Faridah for her comment on our answers and making us think further.“
As a result, this MLC garnered the most shares among learners and was awarded the Learning Community Builder Award by Gnowbe.
In another example of the MLC Winners’ Work Attitude on Self-Motivation, I had shared about my passion for K-pop and the importance of self-love by inviting learners to share and reflect on lessons learnt from an inspirational speech made by K-pop band, BTS, at the United Nations Generation Unlimited meeting. This simple sharing had created a multiplier effect when learners of this MLC shared this inspirational speech with their own followers as evident from this LinkedIn post by learner Ms Monica Ulibarri from University of Technology in Sydney, Australia.
The simple act of injecting emotion into technology has the power to influence thousands at scale, especially using Gnowbe’s micro-learning platform. This influence encourages the growth of communities of learners and winners too. The opportunity was made possible by combining MID skills with a winner’s work attitude and embracing the growth mindset. It is the passion to inspire and help people grow and live meaningful lives through the MLCs that has driven me to grow and work hard to make a difference in the lives of others. Passion is a vital ingredient to become a winner and achieve our dream in life. The American political activist, Harriet Tubman said it best . . . "Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world."
My MID career and my journey towards growing the micro-learning community has just begun. It will take perseverance to overcome the challenges ahead. As our team embarks on the next phase of the MLC project to serve the corporate world, we need to continually grow and challenge ourselves by practicing the Winner’s Work Attitude to navigate through the waves of change. We can then survive the fourth Industrial Revolution to emerge the winner as suggested by Charles Darwin: “It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”
Spread the passion for growth by learning from session nine of MLC Winner’s Work Attitude, as you Keep Growing and Glowing towards Success!
Kang, S-Y. (11 Sept 2019). To build the workforce of the future, we need to revolutionize how we learn. Retrieved from
Schwab, K. (14 Jan 2016). The Fourth Industrial Revolution: what it means, how to respond. Retrieved from